http://vinilabhavani.blogspot.com/2023/12/k-vinila-bhavani-case-of-63-yr-old-male.html OSCE QUESTIONS 1. The sensitivity of diagnosing BPH or prostatomegaly by ultrasound? BPH appears in TRUS as an echogenic and non-mobile mass. TRUS is mainly used to assess prostate volume, which is crucial for therapeutic strategies. Prostate volume can be estimated by serial planimetry, orthogonal plane, rotational body (single plane, ellipsoid) and three-dimensional methods. Staging sensitivities in studies using grey-scale TRUS varied between 30% and 50% with specificities between 77% and 96%. Three-dimensional TRUS aided in the assessment of extracapsular extension and seminal vesicle invasion. 2. How does hypothyroidism affect urine retention? In hypothyroidism there is loss of medullary hypertonicity impairing urinary concentration ability of kidneys . In hypothyroidism there is a reversible increase in vasopresssin sensitivity causing increased water reabsorbption ...