Case by Vinila Bhavani

   48 yr old male patient, resident of Chityala came to OPD with chief complaints of : 
  Oliguria since 3 days 
 Altered sensorium since 5 days
Fever since 10days 

    Patient was admitted in hospital with decreased urinary output for which Foley catheter was placed for draining urine . He was asymptomatic an year back . He was diagnosed with prostatomegaly with right renal calculi.
   Patient had bilateral lower limb weakness associated with oliguria . 

H/o HIV since 10yrs
 No  H/O of diabetes , hypertension , epilepsy.
     SLEEP - adequate 
     DIET - mixed 
     APPETITE - normal 
 He use to drink alcohol of 250 ml occasionally and is a regular smoker .
    THERE IS No RELEVANT FAMILY H/O .  general examination : 
   Patient is conscious but incoherent . 

Pallor - absent 
Icterus - absent 
Cyanosis - absent 
Clubbing- absent 
Oedema - absent 

 Shape - obese 
Bowel sounds present 
Liver and spleen not palpable .

S1 S2 heard 

Normal vesicular breath sounds and no dyspnea , trachea is central .

Kenigs sign +be 
Neck stiffness 
Left side 
Biceps 1+ , triceps 2+,supinator , knee reflex and ankle reflex absent .
Right side 
 Biceps+2,triceps+2, supinator+2, knee , ankle reflex absent .

CSF analysis , cxray , MRI, RBS . 
altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis .

Started with 
1. Inj thiamine 1 amp in 100ml NS IV/OD Ecosporin Av 75/40mgOD 
3.inj Pan 40mg 
4.inj Optineuron 1 amp in 100ml NS IV/OD

On 10/6/21
 Inj thiamine 100ml 
Inj Optineuron 10ml OD
Inj Pan 40mg 
Tab Ecosporin 75/40mg
Tab Ceftriaxone 2gm
     Patient was improved oriented to time place and person .
CSF analysis showed hypoglycorrhachia , raised protein in CSF.
So he was given Ceftriaxone . 
On 12/6/21 
 CSF analysis showed presence of Diptheroids , 40 percent lymphocytes . 
Antitubercular theraphy was about to be started as TB was considered one of the differential .

Treatment was continued and HRZE - isoniazid , rifampicin , pyrazinamide,ethambutol regimen 4 TAPO /OD .
TDL regimen 1TAB /OD given .


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This is K.Vinila Bhavani , 8 th sem student .This Elog depicts patient centred approach to learning. This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “ patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

K Vinila Bhavani

Hi this is Vinila Bhavani a 3rd sem Student