Hi this is Vinila Bhavani a 3rd sem Student

 Hello , this is Vinila Bhavani roll no 57, 3rd sem Student.

   This assignment has been given to me to check the ability to connect and capture patient centered data and to engage in learning with peers.


This link has been given to us :


Question 1 

I have gone through the assignment of my frnd Mahendra roll no 56

-My friend has mentioned all the Symptoms , diagnosis and  chief complaints of patient along with his treatment details .

-He has mentioned all the insights in detail 

2)He discussed cases of interns that were given to him 

- He didn't get a chance to make a blog .

3) He discussed clinical case of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease with uraemic encephalopathy ..

He mentioned the Diagnosis as hypertensive nephropathy and the reason for this was glomerular ischaemia and glomerular hyperfiltration and the patient in this case was suffering with uremic encephalopathy which is due to build up of toxins that is cleared by kidney .

-This uremic encephalopathy is a manifestation of renal failure . 

5) His views on online teaching and bimonthly assignment were genuine , he explained his opinion so well.

Question 2 

65 yr old female came to OPD with complains of slurred speech and profuse sweating and was brought to casualty in unconscious state 

This is the link that has all details about this case :


DIAGNOSIS - Hypoglycemia secondary to GIST.

Question 3 



The provisional diagnosis made was AKI secondary to UTI associated with DM2 and hypertension .All the investigations were given in a proper sequence and history of patient was in sequential maanner .

2) CKD 


The blog was made very clear with diagnosis and symptoms along with secondary manifestations . Details about entire treatment were provided

3) CKD


 Case is well presented patients obstetric , menstrual and previous birth histories were well explained .

4) patient with renal failure 


This blog was so impressive with pictures and proper treatment details along with previous history and family history 

5) https://pallavi191.blogspot.com/2021/06/gm-cases_30.html?m=1

In this blog details of all the treatment and treating faculty were included and insights were also provided with all the  lab reports and pictures .


All the details were included in a precise way . but discharge summary was not included and all the other investigations were in order .


This log has entire provisional diagnosis and treatment procedure was included .blog has links of reference .

8) https://krupalatha54.blogspot.com/2021/06/this-is-online-e-log-book-to-discuss.html?m=1

This blog was made so perfect by including discharge summary and all the investigations but treatment procedure would have made it complete.

9) https://keerthireddy42.blogspot.com/2021/07/43-yr-old-male-of-nalgonda-came-to.html?m=1

This blog consists of pictures of general examinaation and all the other histories like family , previous history etc.


Log is so impressive with all the details and diagnosis was very well mentioned. 


This blog gives a quick review about the entire case and its details and it's subheadings were also good.

Question 5 

To know well and have a good understanding about a particular case it is important to make a blog that helps in having a quick review of the entire case and its treating faculty . This method of learning is beneficial to us even at the tough times like pandemic it gives an overview of patient centred data and all these were made possible by the efforts of our general medicine department.


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K Vinila Bhavani