Kanday Vinila Bhavani Roll no 57 BIMONTHLY BLENDED ASSESSMENT

 The following are my interpretations and opinions from the cases that I observed and came across . 

    Case 1 
Ans ) Diagnosis : COPD secondary to Bronchiectasis 
 Review : 
      As patient was having episodes of SOB she was put on BIPAP to increase Spo2 levels . 
    Patient was having electrolyte imbalance like hyponatremia hypokalemia hyperbilirubinemia  . This is because of usage of steroids and diuretics .
Case 2 https://swathibogari158.blogspot.com/2020/09/chronic-decompensated-liver-disease.html
Ans) Diagnosis : cirrhosis of liver and ascites .
 Review : 
     Patient was noticed having hyperbilirubinemia due to cirrhosis of liver .
     Patient was chronic alcoholic suffering with ascites which caused hypoalbuminemia and reduced aldosterone synthesis . 
     Patient was given 2 eggs a day to treat hypoalbuminemia .
Due to salt restriction patient also developed Cellulitis .
Case 3  https://lasyamithrakandregula.blogspot.com/2021/05/medicine-cases.htmlhttps://lasyamithrakandregula.blogspot.com/ 
    Ans ) Diagnosis : viral pneumonia with known case of hypothyroidism . 
  Review :
          As the patient is diagnosed with viral pneumonia secondary to covid corticosteroid like dexamethasone was given , which helps treat covid and pneumonia . 
       As the patient is also a known case of hypothyroidism she is treated with levothyroxine . Which is a thyronorm.  
      Patient was seen to have her airways inflammed so that she was given nebulization and ascoril syrup .

Case 4 )  http://psaikrupasri175.blogspot.com/2021/05/medicine-case-discussion.html. 
 Ans ) Diagnosis : patient was diagnosed with Arthralgia and a known case of diabetes mellitus type 2 
Review : 
     For controlling DM type 2 hepatic arterial injection therapy was given as an insulin  .
      In this patient tramadol is used as a pain killer for treating Arthralgia and patient was also given vitamin B supplimentation .

Case 5 http://185meghanavarma.blogspot.com/2021/05/general-medicine-case-discussion-for.html
    Diagnosis : patient was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus and a known case of acute kidney failure .
Review : 
    Patient was noticed having episodes of SOB due to pulmonary edema which is due to loss of fluid balance caused by acute renal failure .
     Patient was having high creatinine with hyponatremia that caused lethargy and fatigue .

Case 7  https://kausalyavarma.blogspot.com/2021/05/a-52-year-old-male-with-cerebellar.html?m=1
Ans ) Diagnosis : Denovo hypertension with cerebellar ataxia . 
Review : 
     Patient had infarct in inferior cerebellar hemisphere due to which he developed bilaterally hearing loss and was treated with vertin tab.
     Thiamine was administered as the patient was alcoholic which may result in wernickes encephalopathy . 
    He was also given MVT tab as he was a known case of vit B12 deficiency .
Case 8 https://143vibhahegde.blogspot.com/2021/05/wernickes-encephalopathy.html 
 Ans ) Diagnosis: wernickes encephalopathy secondary to chronic alcohol dependence . 
Review : 
   GRBS - general random blood sugar test was done in this patient to have a check on his Diabetes .
    He was a chronic alcoholic so in order to prevent neurological symptoms patient was given Thiamine .
    Ringers lactate was given for treating Dehydration .

Case 9 
Ans) Diagnosis : cervical spondylitis with known case of hypokalemic paralysis .
Review : 
     Diuretics were used in this patient which caused loss of sodium and potassium leading to hypokalemia 
    As the patient is hypokalemic it resulted in ventricular tachycardia and arrhythmia

Case 10) 
Ans ) Diagnosis:Mylopathy hand 
Review : 
  Patient was Diagnosed with Mylopathy hand which means that his pyramidal Tracts are involved resulting in loss of adduction and extension of ulnar fingers .
   This patient was undergone Hoffman's reflex to check whether he had spinal cord compression .

   This patient was Suffering with COPD so she must be on BIPAP for increasing her Spo2 levels .
As patient had COPD she also suffered with bipedal edema so she must be given diuretics , so that fluid imbalance can be treated effectively .

Q3,4) http://bejugamomnivasguptha.blogspot.com/2021/05/a-45-years-old-female-patient-with.html
     Patient was known to have cervical spondylitis so she must be given muscle relaxants and anti inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation . 
   Patient was also Suffering with Hypokalemia . In this patient potassium should be administered orally or IV to reduce hyperkalemic electrography changes

Q3,4 https://nikithaedam48.blogspot.com/2021/06/18-year-old-malefrom-miryalagudawho-is.html?m=1
   Patient was diagnosed with acute fulminant hepatic failure . 
Patient was having diabetes ketoacidosis , patient was given electrolytes.
Patient was having seizures so he got treated with inj Lorenzepam which helps in relieving status epilepticus .
Q5) Reflective observation on telemedicine approach towards cases 
  I never knew what telemedicine was but with clinical subjects and patients history I have learnt a lot . 
     In every single case a doctor comes across they need to diagnose the reason behind chief complaints . Apart from diagnosis many other possibilities should also be known as it helps treating patients with similar complaints in future .
 Patient should be treated with utmost care and his consent should be taken for every procedure that is to be done as it helps in making the patient psychologically strong and makes him better


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K Vinila Bhavani

Hi this is Vinila Bhavani a 3rd sem Student