A 45 yrs old male patient presented to the casualty with chief complains of altered sensorium since 7 days 


    Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 yrs back  then he was diagnosed with Diabetes as a part of general check up and he is on medication since then . 6 yrs back he developed ulcerations on left feet little finger which became infectious and gangrenous and finally little finger was amputated .

8 months back he developed similar lesions on his left feet so 4 th toe was amputated .

3 months back following a thorn prick patient developed diabetic foot ulcer following which he had developed plantar abscess , necrotising fascitis and anemia for which he had undergone debriment and split skin graft under regional anaesthesia. Over a month back  he developed  an episode of GTCS with CGS of E3V1M2 and was diagnosed to have hyponatremic seizures with Na+ levels of 117meq/L and he had undergone Na+ correction.


  K/c/o - hypothyroidism 

K/c/o - Diabetes. 

Not k/c/o of Asthma , CAD , tuberculosis , hypertension etc..

Family history : not significant 

Personal history : 

Diet - normal 

Appetite - normal 

Sleep - normal

Bowel and bladder movements - irregular Micturition - abnormal 


Pallor - not seen 

Icterus - not seen 

Cyanosis - not seen 

Clubbing - not seen 

Lymphadenopathy - not seen 


Temperature - afebrile 

Pulse - 70/min 

Respiration -18/min 

BP -110/70 mm hg 

SPO2 - 97 % 

GRBS - 55 mg %



S1 and S2 heard 

No thrills and murmurs 


Level of consciousness - drowsy 

No signs of meningeal irritation

Speech - normal. 


Position of trachea - central 

No signs of dysnea and wheezing 

Abdomen examination 

Shape - scaphoid 

No abnormal sounds , tenderness , bruit. 


K/c/o ? Hypoglycemia and recurrent hyponatremia .



Inj meropenem 1 gm IU/BD 

Inj metrogyl 100ml /IU 

IV 3% nacl 10ml / HR 

IVF -NS 500 ml /day 

Inj pantop 40mg IU/OD 

Inj Lasix 10mg IU/OD 

Inj piptaz 4.5 gm IU/BD 

Inj optineuron 2ampl in 100ml NS 

Tab thyronorm 25mcg OD.



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This is K.Vinila Bhavani , 8 th sem student .This Elog depicts patient centred approach to learning. This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “ patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

K Vinila Bhavani

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