Hi this is Vinila Bhavani a 3rd sem Student
Hello , this is Vinila Bhavani roll no 57, 3rd sem Student. This assignment has been given to me to check the ability to connect and capture patient centered data and to engage in learning with peers. This link has been given to us : http://medicinedepartment.blogspot.com/2021/07/2019-batch-medicine-department-online.html?m=1 Question 1 I have gone through the assignment of my frnd Mahendra roll no 56 -My friend has mentioned all the Symptoms , diagnosis and chief complaints of patient along with his treatment details . -He has mentioned all the insights in detail 2)He discussed cases of interns that were given to him - He didn't get a chance to make a blog . 3) He discussed clinical case of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease with uraemic encephalopathy .. He mentioned the Diagnosis as hypertensive nephropathy and the reason for this was glomerular ischaemia and glomerular hyperfiltration and the patient in this case w...